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Training and Certification:

Certified Scrum Professional Scrum Master CSP-SM Badge

Certified Scrum Professional®
ScrumMaster (CSP-SM®)

Certified Scrum Professional ScrumMaster (CSP-SM) is Scrum Alliance’s highest level of accreditation for Scrum Masters and an important credential for well-rounded Agile Coaches.

Our CSP-SM is about going beyond the Scrum/Agile team to be effective at improving the alignment of the broader organisational environment to Agile and Lean ways of thinking and operating.

It takes you beyond the team to the broader organisation and its leadership. This is where the big levers are for shaping true Agile transformation and business agility.

Gain elevated recognition as one a small group of Certified Scrum Professionals in the country.
Gain tools and skills to operate more effectively at multi-team program/product group level.
Increase your confidence to collaborate with senior management on the big picture.
Unlock the opportunity to become an elite guide level Certified Agile Coach (CTC or CEC).

Course Information:

Our Certified Scrum Professional® ScrumMaster (CSP®-SM) program includes both interactive training and real-world practical application through assignments performed in your work context. Many CSP-SM graduates report that seeing how peers go about the same assignment differently is a high point of the CSP-SM learning journey.

You will expand your tools and confidence at engaging with managers and other stakeholders in effective collaboration on improving the organisation. Learn how to leverage knowledge, skills and practical techniques at a large group / enterprise level.

Come away with practical ways to leverage Systems Thinking, ways to connect Lean principles to practices and identify waste, organisational design principles to scale Agile, as well as advanced approaches to facilitation, coaching, mentoring, craftsmanship and product management.

Course Information:

Sessions are a half day in duration.
  • Team Launch
    Plan the launch of multiple new agile teams.
  • Lean
    Familiarise yourself with game-changing Lean principles and practices through which they can enhance your agile adoption.
  • Scrum Mastery
    Formulate your personal perfection vision and growth strategy guiding years of your future professional development.
  • Teaching
    Enhance your teaching with techniques from your trainer and peers.
  • Advanced Facilitation
    Navigate difficult group interaction scenarios confidently, choosing the appropriate technique in-the-moment.
  • Team Development and Coaching
    Determine which of an expanded set of models to use for your various team development initiatives.
  • Psychological Concepts
    Diagnose “mindset” challenges with three of the most essential psychological models for change agents.
  • Systems Thinking
    Practice modelling organisational dynamics to reveal the highest leverage opportunities for improvement.
  • Organisational Design for (de-)scaling
    Deepen your ability to explain tradeoffs between the structural difference of teams, backlogs and coordination approaches.
  • Service to the Product Owner
    Broaden your awareness of further vision to backlog practices and practise a game changing technique for goal based scope management.
  • Software Craftsmanship
    Identify how craftsmanship practices aid sustainable scaled development as well as how to specify product behaviour using BDD.
  • Professional Development Strategy
    Consolidate your plans for your professional growth inspired by your CSP-SM experience.
  • Assignment Briefings
    Familiarise yourself with what is expected of the post-course assignments.


  • Coaching Assignment
    Formulate a coaching agreement with a team or individual.
  • Team Development Assignment
    Lead culture shifts with your team or organisation.
  • Organisational Intervention Assignment
    Analyse your approach to an intervention resolving the root cause of a complex organisational impediment.
  • Mentoring Assignment
    Play the roles of a trusted advisor by mentoring someone.
  • Inter-team Collaboration Assignment
    Experiment with three techniques to improve inter-team collaboration.

Next Upcoming Course:

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Learning Facilitator:

Rowan Bunning

Educator and Consultant.


Rowan Bunning is a globally recognised educator and consultant in Agile management. He has over 27 years of experience in software intensive project delivery and product development.

In 2008, Rowan founded Adapt WithStyle (formerly Scrum WithStyle) to bring world-class Agile training and independent consulting to south-east Asia. As a Certified Scrum Trainer® (CST®) with not-for-profit Scrum Alliance, Rowan has delivered over 530 certification courses including the full three level Path to Certified Scrum Professional® (CSP®) for Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches.

Rowan holds a WSQ Advanced Certificate in Learning and Performance (ACLP) from the Singapore Institute for Adult Learning (IAL).

Rowan has played project management roles in the U.K. and Australia. This includes taking a high-profile online business to launch, and safely introducing frequent change to critical infrastructure processing AUD $250 billion worth of financial transactions daily.

Rowan is passionate about developing leaders skilled at developing teams and simplifying their organisations to compete at scale on the basis of agility, innovation and highest customer value.


CSD Certified Scrum DeveloperCertified Scrum Trainer BadgeCertified Scrum Master CSM badgeAdvanced Certified Scrum Master A-CSM BadgeCertified Scrum Professional Scrum Master CSP-SM BadgeCertified Scrum Product Owner CSPO BadgeCertified Agile Leader CAL BadgeCertified Agile Leader 2 CAL2 Badge
“Very informative and hands-on experience that goes beyond simple Scrum Guide. The exposure to other forms of facilitation and theory will expand your Agile Toolkit to tackle the constant changes in the evolving workplace.”
Hinson Fu
Chapter Lead Security Enablement for Group Security Office at Commonwealth Bank
“Excellent experience in terms of online learning. Initially, I was sceptical about attending the online course but had no idea that online courses could be so interactive. Full of educational nuggets including exercises and practical experiences.”
Mamta Virulkar
Certified Scrum Professional®-ScrumMaster | LeSS Practitioner at Findex
“In-depth training on advanced agile and SM tools and techniques - deeper thinking on teams and scaling - more focus on personal development and psychology”
James Harris
ScrumMaster at Blackmores
“A very valuable course to gain knowledge as SM, Agile Coach or anybody who is in the product development industry.”
Shradha Lal
Agile Coach at Service NSW
“A fantastic class for expanding your agile toolbox with plenty of exercises to try new techniques.”
Sally Sloley
Agile Coach at MetCash/Zen Ex Machina
“Interactive, fast-paced and fun.”
Rick Strukeli
ScrumMaster at Adelaide & Bendigo Bank
“It is challenging your thinking, reinforcing some topics, and providing a foundation for growth and development as an Agile Coach and Scrum Master. The Assignments are a great way to focus your efforts on high-impact topics.”
Sergei Davidov
ScrumMaster at UST Global - Macquarie Bank

Frequently Asked Questions:

Contact Us:

Got a question, or need to speak to one of our Learning Facilitators? Contact us today and we'll be happy to help.
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Completing this form will put you on the waiting list to be contacted when the next course is scheduled.

The more you can tell us about your desired outcome, the more we can assist with advising on what the best fit is for you.
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Request a Date:

Looking for this course to run during a specific timeframe? Please indicate when you would like this course to run. Or share timeframes that don’t work for you.

This allows us to consider your preferences when scheduling. Also to let you know when something that may suit you is available.
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