Scrum WithStyle has adapted! We’ve adapted into Adapt WithStyle.
Welcome to our shiny new website at
Watch the announcement video.
The new brand means a new focus
The new brand reflects that we’re not just about Scrum. Engagements over the last few years have involved Kanban adoption, LeSS adoption, organisational design, leadership development and more. We have been engaged with middle and upper management, not just development teams.
It’s more than just a rebranding though. We are changing focus from training to solving organisational problems through consulting.
We have four new consulting services that target pivotal challenges that we’ve seen many times over. These are:
Each has a well-defined outcome and a core process based on methods that we believe are the state-of-the-art globally. Most of these methods are really highly regarded in the United States and Europe, but barely available in the Asia Pacific region until now.
We have been successful with not just hybrid, but also 100% remote engagements. This means that we can assist organisations in timezones from New Zealand to Thailand.
What does this mean for training?
All of our training is still available. This includes all of the top-quality Scrum Alliance certification courses as well as courses on Agile Leadership, LeSS and Kanban.
We continue to offer the full 3 level professional development pathway for Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches. If you’ve only gone as far as CSM, Advanced Certified ScrumMaster (A-CSM) is a great way to level up your skills and differentiate yourself in the job market.
Our CSPO has been called both an entry-level Product Owner and an advanced course rolled into one. It gives both product people and coaches the big picture for growing a career in Product Management based on an Agile model.
If you have teams that are narrowly focused with a heavy load of dependencies, then our Certified LeSS Basics (CLB) course will show you how to eliminate problematic dependencies and take your scaled Agile well beyond its current limitations.
We continue to bring Michael Sahota’s acclaimed leadership to Australian leaders. Note that his CAL 1 course has been rebranded to Leading Evolutionary Organisations 1 (LEO 1). Many leaders have found that to be a personal game changer for their inner game of leadership.
An exciting new offering is a new Agile leadership course that orients leaders with the organisational choices and organisational change leadership skills needed to realise the right capabilities at scale. This offers CAL 1 accreditation and compliments the LEO 1’s inner game with thinking tools for dealing with often counter-intuitive organisational puzzles.
We understand that many people in our space are out of work. To assist with this, we are offering generous out-of-work discounts. Simply contact us for details.
If you have teams or groups who would benefit from training, our new website makes it clearer how to arrange that. Adapt WithStyle is well positioned to help you with embedding what you learn into your everyday work.
What does it mean for your ways of working challenges?
Training may be an accelerated way to create shared understanding. It is of course insufficient. If there’s one thing we’ve heard again and again from training participants, it’s that most of the benefits will be out-of-reach until the broader organisational setup and culture change.
Adapt WithStyle is all about getting those broader organisational and cultural factors right for your business strategy. What we’ve seen is that when the full set of new organisational settings click into sync and reinforce each other, the friction and frustration evaporates and is replaced by effectiveness. This is a big win for people as individuals, for the organisation as a whole and for customers benefiting from a more lovable product.
Pulling all this together isn’t easy but it’s something that we’ve been putting together the pieces to figure out for clients over the last 16 years. Some of the highest leverage pieces relate to the application of systems thinking and organisational design principles tailored for agility and value maximisation that have emerged from Europe over the last few years. This replaces approaches like installing SAFe or superficially copying Spotify with designing your own way of operating from first principles, optimised to your business needs.
Where to start depends on where your challenge lies and where the appetite is for addressing them.
- If your challenge is convincing management to invest in organisational changes or DevOps-related technical practices, then our Agility Assessment will quickly make the choices and consequences clear to your sponsor.
- If your challenge is that the agility of individual teams is not translating to the desired outcomes at a broader level that matters for business results, then our Scaled Agility Strategy offering reveals what senior leaders must do to get the right organisational setup for the whole multi-team group to thrive and achieve the results that they want.
- If your challenge is that the way you have been adopting Agile has you continuously struggling with dependencies, delays and capacity bottlenecks, then our Scaled Agility Adoption will provide managers and teams with clarity on how to reduce and eliminate these problems.
- If your challenge is that managers are too busy keeping up with tactical management of the current way of operating to invest in at a strategic and cultural level in leading change, then or Leadership Agility service creates clarity as to what achieving this requires and coaching on how to get there.
There’s a lot to digest here. It relates to a space that is often filled with ambiguity and uncertainty. To help you deal with that, I’m making myself available for conversations via video call to explore what you’re dealing with and whether we can help. These calls are complimentary and there’s no obligation. At worst, we both learn something about current challenges and what’s out there as potential solutions. If it’s not within Adapt WithStyle’s wheelhouse to help you directly, we’re more than happy to refer you to one of our growing list of partners.
We’re also keen to hear your feedback on the new website and what we offer. Please add a comment on one of our social media posts or contact us directly.
Thanks very much to the Adapt WithStyle team for all their efforts on this new website. This includes Christian, Stuart and Lisa.
I hope that there’s something here that will help you and your organisation on your journey.
All the very best with adapting to whatever 2025 brings your way.