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Training & Certification:

Certified Agile Leader CAL Badge

Certified Agile Leader® 1
(CAL 1™)

Learn how to think globally and act locally in a persuasive, coherent and impactful way that builds trust in you as someone leading a change to your organisation’s capabilities for changed results.

Create an environment where a new way of working is not just a process change, but rather a multi-faceted change to organisational systems that shifts the culture and results in compounding competitive advantage.

Our CAL 1 covers both:

  • the inner game of mindset and behaviour shifts as well as
  • the outer game of influencing and shaping organisational systems and culture.
Practical: emphasises practical techniques from coaching and influencing to creating the context for high-performing teams and aligning organisational settings to strategy.
Targeted: 20+ years of Agile change leadership experience guides the gotchas and insights targeted.
Emphasising change: we go beyond the Scrum Alliance learning objectives to put extra emphasis on change leadership including structured change approaches and influencing skills.
Research based: our material draws on research from many global leaders in management innovation. For structured leadership development, for example, we use the Leadership Agility framework developed by Bill Joiner. Based on many years of research, data shows an exceptionally high correlation between the measured level of leadership agility and overall leadership effectiveness as perceived by colleagues.

Course Information:

Our Certified Agile Leader® 1 (CAL 1®) course is a learning experience based on scenarios and real world cases.

On the Leadership dimension, we show you how to buy yourself more time for what's important through Agile-aligned delegation and decision making techniques. We equip you with practical skills to balance coaching with advising in everyday conversations and work at delegating and time-efficient decision making.

On the Agile dimension, you will see clearly why just rolling out a process and adding some roles results in failure. We provide you with tools to systematically study and navigate adjusting organisational settings from your business strategy to how day-to-day interactions are facilitated. You will practise thinking through the (sometimes innovative) organisational settings required to achieve something that is both the right fit and sustainable.

We dive directly into the tough challenges including: motivating change, dealing with threats to status, passive inaction and resistance.

Come away with clarity as to what your journey to leadership agility looks like. Also what you can start doing today to lead in a way that provides a high and sustainable advantage to your organisation, its customers and to your career.

Course Information:

Sessions are a half day in duration.
  • The Case for Agile Leadership
    • The business case for Agile leadership
    • The economics of agility
    • Evolutionary development of people and organisations
    • Agile Leadership in action
      • Skills of an Agile leader
      • The Leadership Agility framework
      • Practice balancing coaching with advising
      • Influencing techniques
    • Leading Agile Teams
      • High performing teams
      • Team development and its inhibitors
      • Techniques for creating high performing teams
    • Product Goal Definition
      • Working with your organisational culture
      • Optimising your organisation systemically
      • Aligning organisational systems
      • Cross-boundary collaboration and de-scaling
    • Leading Change
      • Leading with a capability vision
      • Working with the psychology of change
      • Agile-friendly change management approaches
      • Sharing mental models of organisational dynamics
    • Self-mastery
      • The habit of habit change
      • Your leadership growth journey

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    Learning Facilitator:

    Rowan Bunning

    Educator and Consultant.


    Rowan Bunning is a globally recognised educator and consultant in Agile management. He has over 27 years of experience in software intensive project delivery and product development.

    In 2008, Rowan founded Adapt WithStyle (formerly Scrum WithStyle) to bring world-class Agile training and independent consulting to south-east Asia. As a Certified Scrum Trainer® (CST®) with not-for-profit Scrum Alliance, Rowan has delivered over 530 certification courses including the full three level Path to Certified Scrum Professional® (CSP®) for Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches.

    Rowan holds a WSQ Advanced Certificate in Learning and Performance (ACLP) from the Singapore Institute for Adult Learning (IAL).

    Rowan has played project management roles in the U.K. and Australia. This includes taking a high-profile online business to launch, and safely introducing frequent change to critical infrastructure processing AUD $250 billion worth of financial transactions daily.

    Rowan is passionate about developing leaders skilled at developing teams and simplifying their organisations to compete at scale on the basis of agility, innovation and highest customer value.


    CSD Certified Scrum DeveloperCertified Scrum Trainer BadgeCertified Scrum Master CSM badgeAdvanced Certified Scrum Master A-CSM BadgeCertified Scrum Professional Scrum Master CSP-SM BadgeCertified Scrum Product Owner CSPO BadgeCertified Agile Leader CAL BadgeCertified Agile Leader 2 CAL2 Badge

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Contact Us:

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    The more you can tell us about your desired outcome, the more we can assist with advising on what the best fit is for you.
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    This allows us to consider your preferences when scheduling. Also to let you know when something that may suit you is available.
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