Leading Evolutionary Organisations (LEO1) with Certfied Agile Leader
The Michael Sahota Experience
Course Information:
This Leading Evolutionary Organisations (LEO1) course is designed to bring out the leader in everyone, regardless of role or industry. We are pleased to offer LEO1 certification or Certified Agile Leader (CAL1) certification from the Scrum Alliance for participants who complete the course.
You will gain clarity about what the journey to higher levels of evolution looks like to today's leaders along with practical tools to evolve your inner game toward consistently showing up as the type of leader that you aspire to be.
Come away with practical tools for creating an environment conducive to high performance as well as accreditation from Scrum Alliance.
What pre-requisites are there?
There are no accreditation or educational pre-requisites for this course.
Experience with management and leadership challenges (at any level) will be beneficial however.
Who should attend?
There are two main audiences that are addressed by this training: organisational leaders and coaches. The principles and practices of organisational culture and leadership are the same regardless of your role.
- Organisational leaders include executives, directors, managers and program leads.
- Organisational coaches include Agile coaches, HR professionals, management consultants, internal change leaders and Scrum Masters.
How to earn certification
Earning certification involves 2 steps:
- approximately 2 hours of self-paced learning prior to the training, and
- 16 contact hours of highly interactive training.
This Leading Evolutionary Organisations course qualifies you for your choice of either Leading Evolutionary Organisations (LEO1) or Certified Agile Leader (CAL1) Certification with Scrum Alliance. Not both.
What is included when I register?
Included with the course fee is:
- 3 sessions of highly interactive training.
- Your choice of certification. You can choose either of Leading Evolutionary Organizations (LEO1) or Certified Agile Leaders (CAL1) Certifications. Not both. CAL1 certification with Scrum Alliance* will be active for 2 years.
* for participants who meet the training participation, coursework and assignment requirements.
Course Information:
- What To Do Tomorrow:Practical daily changes you can easily make that lead to a radical shift in your level of influence that impact your organizational performance.
- Evolutionary Leadership:How you can move beyond traditional leadership models to reclaim your ability to create engagement.
- Uplift Capability:Understand how to overcome 90% of the challenges with transformation to uplift your orgs capability.
- Culture Tools:How to diagnose culture and create a local culture shift without authority, power or budget. Tools for daily culture change.
- Eliminate Resistance:Learn how to eliminate hidden causes of resistance.
- Creating Change:Evolutionary change patterns to achieve your outcomes.
- Unlocking Metrics:Understand why metrics are going wrong and what to do about it.
- SELF Framework™:A complete framework for Delivering Success Through People.
- Organisational Change FrameworksLearn complexity-based approaches to organisational change.
- Scaling PatternsDiscuss the decisions involved in scaling up Agile to multiple teams.
- Your Journey to Scrum MasteryExplore what the future holds for you as a Scrum Master or Agile Coach.
Next Upcoming Course:
Learn How to solve Today’s Toughest Leadership Challenges.
Implement the Roadmap for Organisational Evolution.
Learn the Practical “How To” for New Ways of Working.
SELF Framework: Making New Choices.
You get a proven framework for leadership and organizational evolution. We give you the maps, models, principles and tools needed for daily application.
Looking for corporate / private training?
Learning Facilitator:
Michael K Sahota
Michael is the co-creator of the SHIFT314 Evolutionary Leadership Framework™ (SELF) that provides practical step-by-step for the inner and outer shifts needed to unlock Business Agility, Teal and other new ways of working. Michael has trained thousands of leaders worldwide through his highly accoladed Certified Agile Leadership Training.
Since 2001, Michael has been guiding success with Agile. As a thought leader, in 2012, he published the ground-breaking book "An Agile Adoption and Transformation Survival Guide: Working with Organizational Culture". In 2018, he published “Emotional Science: The Key to High Performance”. Michael published “Leading Beyond Change” Aug 2021. His vision is to support the evolution of leadership capabilities that can create change and impact on a global scale.
Frequently Asked Questions:
With the course changes through Scrum Alliance, which certification will I now receive?
You can choose either of:
- Leading Evolutionary Organisations (LEO1), or
- Certified Agile Leader 1 (CAL 1) certification.
Not both.
Do all LEO1/CAL 1 trainings cover the same content?
No. And there is a good reason for this. All CAL 1 trainings cover the same high-level objectives. However, each CAL 1 reflects the unique leadership and organisational development journey of the instructor.
The Leading Evolutionary Organisations (LEO1) with Certified Agile Leader (CAL 1) experience reflects the unique intellectual property developed over a decade of professional practice. The Michael Sahota approach has been proven around the world through the success of graduates. You get the SELF Framework and the Leading Beyond Change book to continue your journey.
What is the difference between SAFe and LEO1/CAL 1?
On the surface, the goals of SAFe and LEO1/CAL1 are similar: An Agile Organisation.
SAFe has a focus on tactical elements, such as the process, roles, multi-team releases. It is a way to adopt Agile practices in a large organisation. One might say the focus is on Doing Agile. The focus here is on what we do to improve things with as little organisational change as possible.
The focus of the Michael Sahota LEO1/CAL 1 Experience is an integrated view of Organisational, Cultural, Leadership, and Org Change. It’s about Being Agile: How we use an Agile Mindset to create a nimble flexible organisation powered by engaged, innovative people. It’s all about creating a High-Performance Organisation using Agile. It is the missing foundation that will allow you to unlock your current approach to Agile be it SAFe, LeSS, etc.
Do you offer private LEO1 or CAL 1 training?
Yes. Organisations are getting huge benefits from internal LEO1 or CAL 1 training. With executives, managers, and coaches all in the same room, we increase the shared organisational awareness and alignment needed to get high performance. Participants can have internal discussions that are not possible in a public class.
We also offer an integrated training and coaching approach that gives leaders the ongoing support they need to make the shift to a new way of working and being.
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What is the breakdown of PDUs?
This training provides 16 SEUs in support of the Certified Scrum Practitioner (CSP), and 16 PDUs in support of certifications offered by the Project Management Institute, including the PMIACP as well as the PMP certification. You can claim 1/2 as strategic and 1/2 as leadership.