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Leading Evolutionary Organisations (LEO1) with Certfied Agile Leader

The Michael Sahota Experience

Course Information:

Get the leadership skills needed to ensure your organisation is keeping pace with the speed of change in modern markets.

This Leading Evolutionary Organisations (LEO1) course is designed to bring out the leader in everyone, regardless of role or industry. We are pleased to offer LEO1 certification or Certified Agile Leader (CAL1) certification from the Scrum Alliance for participants who complete the course. 

Today's organisations demand agile leadership skills. Employers are looking for individuals in all roles and at any level who can influence and proactively drive forward agile programs.

You will gain clarity about what the journey to higher levels of evolution looks like to today's leaders along with practical tools to evolve your inner game toward consistently showing up as the type of leader that you aspire to be.

You will discover how to improve performance, irrespective of what methods and operating models are being used. You can apply this in any sort of knowledge work context, even without your organisation pursuing an Agile adoption.

Come away with practical tools for creating an environment conducive to high performance as well as accreditation from Scrum Alliance.

Course Information:

Sessions are six hours in duration.
  • What To Do Tomorrow:
    Practical daily changes you can easily make that lead to a radical shift in your level of influence that impact your organizational performance.
  • Evolutionary Leadership:
    How you can move beyond traditional leadership models to reclaim your ability to create engagement.
  • Uplift Capability:
    Understand how to overcome 90% of the challenges with transformation to uplift your orgs capability.
  • Culture Tools:
    How to diagnose culture and create a local culture shift without authority, power or budget. Tools for daily culture change.
  • Eliminate Resistance:
    Learn how to eliminate hidden causes of resistance.
  • Creating Change:
    Evolutionary change patterns to achieve your outcomes.
  • Unlocking Metrics:
    Understand why metrics are going wrong and what to do about it.
  • SELF Framework™:
    A complete framework for Delivering Success Through People.
  • Organisational Change Frameworks
    Learn complexity-based approaches to organisational change.
  • Scaling Patterns
    Discuss the decisions involved in scaling up Agile to multiple teams.
  • Your Journey to Scrum Mastery
    Explore what the future holds for you as a Scrum Master or Agile Coach.

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Learn How to solve Today’s Toughest Leadership Challenges.

  • Integrating New Ways of Working into Traditional Organisations.
  • Organization Misalignment.
  • Communication Challenges.
  • Talent Attraction and Retention.
  • Hybrid Work Engagement.
  • Balancing Delivery and Long-Term Goals.
  • Navigating Change.
  • Building a Healthy Organizational Culture.
  • Leading Remote Teams.
  • Embracing Diversity and Inclusion.
Implement the Roadmap for Organisational Evolution.
Michael Sahota Leading Evolutionary Organisations LEO Roadmap
The Roadmap details how to move from traditional patterns to evolutionary patterns to uplift the people and the organization.
Learn the Practical “How To” for New Ways of Working.
  • What To Do Tomorrow: Practical daily changes you can easily make that lead to a radical shift in your level of influence that impact your organizational performance.
  • Evolutionary Leadership: How you can move beyond traditional leadership models to reclaim your ability to create rapid change.
  • Uplift Capability: Understand how to overcome 90% of the challenges with transformation to uplift your orgs capability.
  • Culture Tools: How to diagnose culture and create a local culture shift without authority, power or budget. Tools for daily culture change.
  • Eliminate Resistance: Learn how to eliminate hidden causes of resistance.
  • Creating Change: Evolutionary change patterns to achieve your outcomes.
  • Unlocking Metrics: Understand why metrics are going wrong and what to do about it.
  • SELF Framework™: A complete framework for Delivering Success Through People.
SELF Framework: Making New Choices.
Learn the maps, models, principles and tools needed to unlock Business Agility and create an environment where Agile (and Beyond) can thrive. The SELF Framework is fully compatible with all new ways of working.

This is the only Certified Agile Leadership Training based on the SHIFT314 Evolutionary Leadership Framework (SELF). 

You get a proven framework for leadership and organizational evolution. We give you the maps, models, principles and tools needed for daily application.
“This course is revolutionary, honestly the best training I have ever done.”
Laura Chilcott
Lead Delivery Manager
“The course has been eye opening for me. There is so much potential that leaders can bring to the table for a positive change in the organisations and daily lives. Recommend it to everyone who wants to be a successful leader.”
Sukanya Chaturvedi
Delivery Manager
“Such an amazing and awakening roller coaster ride into our subconsciousness with tips and tools on how to make micro-changes immediately tomorrow.”
Lois King
Senior VP Agile Center of Excellence
“Surprisingly real and pragmatic advice for any organisation.”
Comptess Hammond
Product Manager
“Taking this course will help you become a next level leader. After reading many, many books I find this the most informative resource I have had in years. It saves me years of further reading and connecting the dots myself.”
Donney Geets
IT Lead

Looking for corporate / private training?

We're experts in providing professional group training and certification to upskill and energise your entire team. If you have 8+ potential participants, then please select "learn more".

Learning Facilitator:

Michael Sahota Leading Beyond Change

Michael K Sahota

M.Sc., C.E.C.


Michael K. Sahota is a Speaker, Trainer, & Consultant on Evolutionary Leadership. He is the founder and CEO of SHIFT314 Inc and Evolve2B - a boutique training and consulting organisation that specialises in the organisational, cultural and leadership shifts needed to unlock success with Agile, Digital, Lean, etc.

Michael is the co-creator of the SHIFT314 Evolutionary Leadership Framework™ (SELF) that provides practical step-by-step for the inner and outer shifts needed to unlock Business Agility, Teal and other new ways of working. Michael has trained thousands of leaders worldwide through his highly accoladed Certified Agile Leadership Training.

Since 2001, Michael has been guiding success with Agile. As a thought leader, in 2012, he published the ground-breaking book "An Agile Adoption and Transformation Survival Guide: Working with Organizational Culture". In 2018, he published “Emotional Science: The Key to High Performance”. Michael published “Leading Beyond Change” Aug 2021. His vision is to support the evolution of leadership capabilities that can create change and impact on a global scale.

Frequently Asked Questions:

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Got a question, or need to speak to one of our Learning Facilitators? Contact us today and we'll be happy to help.
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