Meet Carlos.
The Situation.
The Breakthrough.
The Result.
How to Get Started:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is leadership agility?
Many years of researching leaders shows that the most effective leaders develop their cognitive and emotional capacities in way that progresses through multiple stages. Only about 10% of leaders are at the stage most closely correlated with high effectiveness in a complex environment and most able to lead organisations pursuing agility.
Determining which stage you are at is straight-forward thanks to either a “Leadership Agility 360” or a “Leadership Agility Accelerator” diagnostic. You can then set personal goals relative to progression through the stages toward the top 10% of leaders. Operating at this stage is highly correlated with the highest effectiveness – as perceived by colleagues. The capacities at the upper stages are those widely believed to be needed for effectiveness at senior levels in an organisation.
Why does leadership agility matter?
Businesses are a reflection of their leaders and cannot exceed the level that their leaders function at. Businesses that adapt more quickly and effectively will generally outperform their competition. Therefore, leadership agility is needed for business success. This need is growing rapidly as the degree of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity grows in today’s highly interconnected world.
Why pursue a structured leadership development program?
A structured leadership development program aims to systematically enhance the capabilities of individuals to lead with increased effectiveness.
There are ways to progress as a leader that have been clearly defined. Following them greatly increases the probability of achieving your goals.
How does Leadership Agility differ from other leadership development programs?
- Instead of horizonal development (knowledge, skills and competencies), Leadership Agility is focused on vertical development (how to think, embody and act from the next stage of cognitive and mental growth). See the last section of New Leadership for New Times – Why we need to think differently about leadership development by Bill Joiner.
- It provides a clear pathway to increase a leader’s effectiveness beyond tactical and incremental to strategic and visionary, from compromising with stakeholders to deep empathy and win-win solutions, increased creativity in problem-solving and self-improvement-focused feedback seeking.
- It is the leadership development model at the heart of many contemporary Agile Leadership programmes – including many of Scrum Alliance’s Certified Agile Leadership programs.
- The Catalyst+ levels of leadership are only demonstrated by approx. 10% of leaders, yet the more volatile and complex the world becomes, the more crucial this level is to navigating it without becoming swamped.
- It is based on 5+ years of research plus many years of field experience with leaders around the world.
- Highly actionable next steps come out of the process that can be implemented immediately.
How does the Leadership Agility 360 differ from other leadership 360’s?
The correlation between leadership agility level and overall leadership effectiveness (as identified by colleagues) is incredibly close.
If you would like to see a chart showing this, please get in touch.
Can my leadership be assessed without waiting on colleagues to complete a 360?
Yes. We can use the Leadership Agility Accelerator to complete your assessment more quickly without involving colleagues.
What is the time commitment for leadership coaching?
How quickly you want to develop and how much time you dedicate to your development are your decisions. We recommend 1 hour per fortnight with 90 minutes per month being a minimum.