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Scaled Agility Adoption

Meet Robyn.

She has several teams with constant dependencies between them. They are not realising the promise of agility and maximised value.

The Situation.

Robyn has seen Agile practices work well for individual squads but not across everyone involved. Managing dependencies between squads is a constant battle that consumes a lot of precious time. Squad aligning happens only quarterly. She wonders why, if a squad can pivot fortnightly, why can’t they do that across the whole product group?

Due to squad specialisation, not all squads are working on the highest priorities for the business. The combination of this with the dependency problem means that squad working on the highest priorities are often diverted away from that to service dependencies raised by squad working on relatively low priorities. She wonders what it would take to be able to have all squads work on the highest priorities for the business.

The Breakthrough.

We guide Robyn and her people through the challenges of organisational change with a clear and structured change roadmap based on well proven change management approaches.

Build Awareness.

We engage with managers and other stakeholders around their role in the change. With a Lean “go see” approach, we guide them through studying their current organisation to surface deep insights that inform the way forward. This builds a new level of awareness of the need for change.


We build understanding of the new way of operating amongst everyone involved in an accelerated way through intensive classroom training (in-person or live online). This is paired with a regular “coaching clinic” at which people can raise questions ongoing - particularly around uncertainties and practical implementation matters.

Build Desire.

Based on capability goals previously identified, we collaborate with stakeholders on a vision of what the future organisation looks like. We guide the management team through definition of the product and the product group. Co-creating this compelling picture of the future builds on the training to create desire for change.

Launch the Group.

We facilitate formation of an initial product backlog, generating shared understanding across team members and subject matter experts. We empower everyone to negotiate which team that they will work on through a self-designing teams workshop. Through this, a well balanced team is established within a few hours. We define the delivery capability using Definition of Done and conduct team lift-offs.

Coach the Coaches.

We engage intensively with Scrum/Flow Masters, Agile Coaches and capability focused managers to equip them to energise the improvement vision and skillfully remove impediments at all levels and in all related parts of the organisation. This scales our impact and leaves Robyn’s organisation with a lasting capability.

People Management Uplift.

Through training and workshops, we bring the people managers and the HR department on the journey to appreciating the need for and then implementing a redesign of job descriptions, career paths and incentives to be aligned with real teams and the desired capabilities. We coach people managers through the shifts involved in supporting their people in this new model.

Ongoing Assessment and Support.

We continue to have “skin in the game” for the long-term success of the scaled agility adoption. We, and your internal facilitators, administer regular health and improvement progress assessments used to target support efforts. Support starts off at 1-3 days per week initially and progressively tapers down to a couple of hours per month by 6 months after the reorganisation.

The Result.

Less waiting, more collaborative doing
Instead of the overhead of managing dependencies, Robyn’s organisation has eliminated the most costly dependencies. Others have become multi-team shared work.
Less waiting, more collaborative doing
All incoming work in Robyn’s organisation comes through a single, queue and prioritisation process. Even large pivots in work direction can be accommodated at short notice. The limitation on agility becomes the breadth of knowledge and skills, not long running assignments and time consuming negotiations.
A simpler organisation
With much simpler work allocation and visual management, Robyn and her stakeholders have much more transparency. This boosts collaboration and improves trust, boosting stakeholder collaboration.
Less local optimisation, all eyes on the whole
Team members in Robyn’s organisation are much more conscious of the end customer-centric “whole” and how they can contribute to maximising the value of that whole.
Gone are the days of everyone being really busy but not making the impact necessary overall.
Continuously improving… forever
Energised by a compelling perfection vision, everyone in Robyn’s organisation can determine which changes are progressing toward perfection and which are not.
Scaling Agile Adoption Agile withStyle

How to Get Started:

Step 1

Book a complimentary call with our principal consultant.

Step 2

We discuss your situation and how to get started.

Step 3

You receive a quote for the Change Readiness stage with an initial forecast for further work.

Step 4

We agree on an initial Statement of Work.

Step 5

We co-create an initial improvement backlog and establish a guiding coalition to steer it.

Step 6

We facilitate the adoptive on site and/or remotely as appropriate. Wherever possible we use a “Do, Mentor Coach” progression. We demonstrate how to do it, observe and advise your people to do it, then provide coaching to support people through further challenges toward self-sufficient fluency.

Step 7

At regular intervals (e.g. fortnightly) we review progress and plan next steps.
Book a Call Today

What's Next?

After an aligned operating model, leaders are the limit. A person cannot surpass the level of consciousness of their leader after all.

The perfect compliment to this service is therefore our Leadership Agility offering.

Frequently Asked Questions:

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